Monday, 21 February 2011

Take my credit card. Please.

Things are getting nutty around here.  I've just signed up for 9 races and have 5 registrations pending. Somehow, in discussing the schedule with Phil, it seemed like a good idea to shoot for the Midsummer Nights Run 30K in August.  Post registration, I'm not so sure. Someone turn the internet off before I do more damage!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Work sure gets in the way of living.

Wow. I've been totally consumed the past month with opening up the new midwifery practice.  I just have to share our practice's logo cuz I think it's too cute:

Otherwise, I've been spending far too much time doing work on the computer (which makes blog entries just another chore) and no time seeing pregnant women and their babies. It all changes this week though as the paperwork, accounting and computer system set up should be pretty much in place.  We officially opened up last Monday, just by posting our phone number, and have already filled most of the spots we had.  Nice problem to have.

I've been slacking in the running department, and have only been able to get in a few longish runs.  I've been keeping up with bootcamp though, and trying to give it all I've got when I'm there, so hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness.  Training for the Toronto Women's Half Marathon (May 29) starts this week.  I'm using a plan from an old Women's Running magazine, so hopefully can rack up a PR.

Off to catch up on about a billion blogs.  Have a great weekend -- hope it's a long one for you too.