Thursday, 23 December 2010

Three Things Thursday

Woo-hoo!  I remembered to following the T-T-T trend this week!

1.  On Tuesday, I took a solo drive to Buffalo to cross-border shop for some things that are unavailable in Canada (hard to believe it's worth it if not sold here, but I'm not a 12 year old boy) and made my FIRST EVER trip to Target. 

I've heard people raving about it and how it would be so great to have them here.  The wonder of it was lost on me...seemed like I was in Zellers, which is not such a bad thing, I guess.  Maybe Targets in other US cities are more exciting.  Anyway -- I can officially check that adventure off my list.  I am so wild and crazy.

2.  I've been busy preparing for Christmas (hand made crackers and all) and not at all preparing for the little 10 mile race in Hamilton on Sunday.  Luckily, my 10 mile PR sucks big time, so should be easy enough to get a new one.  I think I can walk the whole way!  Totally worth it for the snowman mittens and medal.  Hoping to spot some bloggers I follow who are also running.

Maybe "home-made" is a better descriptor than "hand-made".
I photoshopped (badly) a picture of each person into an appropriate cartoon panel. 26 times. Yes, I did have too much time on my hands this fall.  Why do you ask?

3.  Once the festivities and race are over, we're driving to Vermont for some skiing goodness.  Phil and the boys are speed demons.  I ski about as fast as I run.  We're all happy with our performances though.  I have no desire to try any trail more difficult than a green.  The ski lifts are enough to stress me out, so I'll stay on my tame little mountain and let the others go for the black diamond peaks.
Last year.  Pictures of me will be remarkably similar this year as it's the only time I wear this jacket.  Notice I'm totally in control when I'm standing still.

Next up:  Boxing Day 10 Miler race report and some 2011 goals.  Have a great holiday!


  1. Good luck at the race!! I will be there as well :)

  2. Good luck at the race and have fun skiing! I'm a green circle kinda girl too, and call it an adventure when I work up to a blue square in mid-afternoon. Have fun!

    Oh, and Merry Christmas!
